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Cosplay Client Portfolio!
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Welcome to our studio's renowned image & video portfolio, featuring our screen-accurate cosplay clients from photoshoots, conventions, and appearances around the world in our custom wigs, hairpieces applications (falls, braids, buns, & more) and facial hair applications (eyebrows to full beards).
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HERO HAIR was proud to crown™ these clients, our official HERO HAIR Cosplayers, and help elevate the level of their wigs, hairpiece applications & facial hair applications to match the level of their cosplays themselves. To become one of our hundreds of worldwide clients, and be featured in our portfolio, and our social media, simply send us an inquiry via the Inquiries page, and you will receive a complete breakdown of your custom build, including timetables, prices, and our payment plans at no obligation to buy.
and your transformative illusion.
Hero Hair is not affiliated with any of the copyright holders, production studios, or intellectual property owners of any client cosplay depicted herein. This portfolio of our work features custom wigs and/or facial hair applications, created by us, which the Cosplayer-clients (re-creation artists) have privately incorporated into their personal, fan-cosplay build(s) for their private exhibitions and appearances in costume.
Any similarity of costume, tone, or natural likeness of the persons depicted, to and/or of actual persons, living or dead, protected characters, or the inclusion/use of protected character likeness or indicia, as worn by the Cosplayer-clients featured, to those of actual copyright protected likenesses or related indicia, same, are entirely coincidental, were chosen by the Cosplayer(s) featured, and are beyond our control. Watermarking of our logo has been applied to some of the included images for the purposes of identification of their online origin, and should not be considered as an advertisement for HERO HAIR: The reel Wig Experience™